Dr. Antonio Marturano
Main areas of specialisation: Applied Ethics (Business Ethics, Leadership Ethics and Ethics of Information Technology), Metaethics, and Deontic Logic.
Other areas of interest: Philosophy of Leadership, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Technology,
Employment History
Present Appointments:
2013- to date Professor of Philosophy and History, MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research: 2013-2015 Classical Lyceum G. Stampacchia, Tricase, Lecce (Italy)
2015-2016 Scientific Lyceum A. Labriola, Ostia, Roma (Italy)
2016- present Classical and Linguistic Lyceum Aristofane, Roma (Italy).
2014- to date Adjunct Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, Department of History, Cultural Heritage, Education and Society, University of Rome, Tor Vergata.
Past Appointments:
2017- 2019 Instructor, IDA, Italian Diplomacy Academy, Public Speaking, course FWWMUN MODEL UNITED NATIONS – MUN (in English).
2012 Visiting Professor, Bled Business School, Slovenia
2011 Lecturer, Leadership and Strategic Management, Master in Public Management and E-Government, Salento University Lecce.
2010 Lecturer, Seminar on Leadership and Culture, (in English), European University of Rome, International Leadership Semester.
2009 – 2013 Lecturer, Leadership and Communication, MA in Public and Political Communication, University of Pisa (online since 2012-2013).
2008- 2009 Adjunct Professor MA in Management Consulting and ERP, LUISS Guido Carli Rome, Dauphine Paris and CSC (in English).
2008- 2011 Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, LUISS Guido Carli Rome.
2007- 2013 Adjunct Professor of Business Ethics, Faculty of Economic, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy).
2007 Visiting Lecturer in Leadership Studies, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond (VA).
Jan 2002- Dec. 06 Research Fellow
Centre for Leadership Studies, XFI Building, School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter, U.K.
2007 – 2008 Visiting Lecturer
Institute of Bioethics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy).
2003 – 2004 Visiting Lecturer
School of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Exeter (UK)
Jul.-Dec. 2002 Visiting Lecturer Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster (UK)
2000 – 2002 Research Fellow,
Institute of Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, Lancaster University, Lancaster (UK)
2000 Research Fellow,
Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire, Preston (UK)
1998 – 2001 Teaching Assistant,
School of Economics, Centre for Information Systems, LUISS Guido Carli University Rome (Italy)
1998 – 1999 Visiting Lecturer,
Faculty of Engineering, L’Aquila University (Italy)
1998 Visiting Scholar,
Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University (UK)
1997-1999 Teaching Assistant,
School of Law, Institute of Philosophy of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”(Italy)
1997-1998 Teaching Assistant in Philosophy of Law,
School of Law, Luiss University of Rome (Italy)
1985 – 1993 BA/MA in Philosophy, University of Rome La Sapienza (Ita)
Dissertation: Norms and Normative Systems, the deontic approach (tutor Prof. Eugenio Lecaldano)
1998 PhD in Analytic Philosophy of Law, University of Milan (Ita)
Dissertation: Jorgensen’s Dilemma. Its implications and presuppositions (supervisor Prof. Gaetano Carcaterra)
Other Courses
Sept. 1993 Course TRAIN-Train for Trainer in the field of Information Services, (organised by the European Commission), MBA school, Bocconi University of Milan.
Teaching experience
1997 – 1998 Internet ethics (Laurea Degree in Law – Institute of Philosophy of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”), enrolling more than 80 students.
1998 – 1999 Applied Ethics (Laurea Degree in Law – Institute of Philosophy of Law, University of Rome “La Sapienza”),
1998 – 1999 Computer Ethics (Laurea Degree in Engineering – Faculty of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, Italy),
1999 – 2001 Information and Communication Technologies Ethics (Laurea Degree in Economics – LUISS Guido Carli),
2001 – 2002 Logic, part time (Ma in Philosophy, IEPPP – Lancaster University)
2001 Critical Thinking (MSc Information Technology, Management & Organisational Change, Management School – Lancaster University)
2001 Philosophy of AI for the module Symbolic Artificial Intelligence (BSc. in Computer Science, School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Exeter)
2004 Ethics and Technology (MBA and MA in Religion and Ethics, School of Classics, University of Exeter)
2004 – 2006 Leadership and Ethics (Online module, CPD, MBA, Diploma and MA in Leadership, Centre for Leadership Studies, University of Exeter; and for ALP Advanced Leadership Programme: http://www.alp-impm.com)
2004 Ethics and Finance, and CFA Code of Ethics (for the Financial Theory and Management module on the MSc in Financial Analysis & Fund Management), XFI – University of Exeter.
2005- 2006 Module Coordinator, Leadership Theories and Ideas (15 Credits), MBA, University of Exeter.
2004- 2006 Module Lecturer and tutorials, Introduction to Leadership Studies (30 Credits), BA Economics and Management (offered for other BAs, too), SOBE, University of Exeter – 80 students enrolled.
2006 Visiting Lecturer, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, School of Medicine, Diploma of Specialization in Bioethics.
2007 Lecturer, Critical Thinking BA in Leadership Studies, Jepson School of Leadership, University of Richmond, Spring Term – 60 students enrolled
2007- 2013 Lecturer, Business Ethics, BA in Economics and Services Management, Faculty of Economics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (40 students enrolled).
2008-2011 Module Leader, Leadership and communication, introductory course for BAs in Economics, Business and Management (120 students enrolled) LUISS University.
2009-2010 Module coordinator, “Psychological and Sociological aspects of organizations” (in english), BA in Economics and Management jointly offered by LUISS Guido Carli and Utrecht University – 80 students enrolled
2014 – to date Lecturer in Philosophical Anthropology, MA Pedagogical Sciences, Department of History, Cultural Heritage, Education and Society, University of Rome Tor Vergata (in presence/online and blended) – 50 students enrolled.
Membership in Journals
Since 2017: Editorial Review Board, International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IGI-Global)
Since 2015: International Advisory Board member Ethics and Social Welfare (TandF)
Since 2014: International Editorial Board member, Iranian Journal of Management Studies (Univ. of Teheran Press)
2013-2018: Founder and Editor in Chief; Associate Editor (since 2015) Leadership & The Humanities
(Edward Elgar)
Since 2012: Editorial Review Panel, Leadership, (Sage)
Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Communication Research (Academy of Romanian Scientists),
Since 2009: Bureau Chief/Associate Editor (Italy) of Integral Leadership Review (Integral Publishing).
Since 2008: International Advisory Board member, International Review in Information Ethics (IRIE).
Since 2002: Founding and Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (ICES) (Emerald).
UG/Postgraduate Supervision (samples)
1997 – 1999 “The Concept of Privacy”, Institute of Philosophy of Law, Laurea degree in Law, Miss Cecilia Mancini
2001 – 2002 “Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies in the Globalisation Era: world westernisation or multiculturalism?”, Lancaster University, Institute of Behaviour in Organisation, School of Management, PhD, Miss Chien-Leng Hsu
2001 – 2002 “Computer Ethics”, Lancaster University, Institute of Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, MA in Philosophy, Mr. Soung-Su Kim
2001 – 2002 “Lewis’s account of possible worlds”, Lancaster University, Institute of Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, MA in Philosophy, Mr. Norman Smith
2004– 2006 Ph.D. on Business Ethics and Marketing, Mr. Paul Tseng (School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter).
2004- 2006 MA in Leadership Studies (CLS, University of Exeter) tutoring: David Cousins (Leadership and I.T.) and Pamela Fiona Murray (Phenomenological approaches to Personal Leadership Dilemmas).
2004- 2006 Coordinator of PhD Students, Centre of Leadership Studies, School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter
2005- 2006 MBA (SOBE University of Exeter), Mr. Richard Day (on Ethical Dilemmas in a public service organisation)
2007- 2008 PhD on The role of Language in marketing relation and Guanxi, Mrs. Guo Lei (School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter).
2008 UG dissertations, BA in Economics on Marchionne and FIAT: a case for Leadership ethics, Miss Maddalena Ambrosi and on Corporate Social Responsibility, Mr. Guido Amoroso.
2009 UG dissertation, BA in Economics on Class Action: a comparison between Usa and Italian regulations, Miss Daiana Iermano.
2010-to date UG dissertations BA in Economics by Mr. Antonello Guarascio, Miss Sara Guarascio, Miss Maria Sofi, (on selected topics in Business ethics or Corporate Social Responsibility) and Mr. Maurizio Rea (Corporate Social Responsibility: the Case of Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank).
2014- to date PG dissertations for the Laurea Specialistica (Equivalent MA) in Pedagogical Sciences, University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Dr. Andrea Rega (Tecnologia e scienza nel futuro della politica. Il dibattito tra J.B.S. Haldane e B. Russell, 2016), Dr. Cinzia Ferrara (Evoluzione antropologica del fenomeno mafioso di Cosa Nostra, 2018), Dr. Barbara Apponi (Educare alla leadership: l’esempio di Alessandro Magno, 2020).
Awards, Honours, Research and Research Grants
2018-2019 Project Recta Ponens, creation of a diffusive Museum of the Nomentano Bridge sourrounding area, funded by the Italian National Operative Programme (PON) “For schools, competences and learning environments – Enhancement of education to the cultural, artistic and landscape heritage”, European Structural Funds. (€ 28.410).
2012- 2018 International Leadership Association start-up award for the Journal Leadership and The Humanities (Us$8000 per year plus additional non-monetary benefits).
2011 Awarded by the International Biographical Centre as a member of the IBC Top 100 Educators 2011
Since 2011 Included into the Annual Marquis Who’s Who directory
2011 Nominated for inclusion in Great Minds of the 21st Century (Economics) 5th Edition (American Biographical Institute).
Since 2010 Included into the UNESCO Who’s Who in Ethics directory
2008 – 2009 Project Generating a Leading Class for building up a lexicon on a Leading Class, funded by Confindustria and Federmanagers, about £7000.
2000 – 2002 Marie Curie Fellow, funded by the European Commission, for a research about “Molecular Biologists as Hackers of Human Data”, supervisor Prof. Ruth Chadwick, Lancaster University, about £60.000.
1999 – 2001 Director Research Project (funded by the ENEA, Italian public research body for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) about “The development and the experimentation of a system prototype of the building subsystem application components constituted from an organizational and operating model of groupings of PMI to virtual enterprise with methodological instruments and relative technological instruments of support, to develop for the ICIV Project- Concurrent Engineering for the Virtual Enterprise”, about £250.000
1998 Research funded by the British Council and the Italian Council for Research for a research about “The Ethics of Genetic Information”, Institute of Cultural Research, Lancaster University, £3000
1994 – 1998 PhD Scholarship funded by the University of Milan, £4.200 pa. (basic salary) plus travel expenses
1992 – 1993 Researcher, Research Project “Feasibility of the CALS methodologies application to the building sector”; funded by the CNR (Italian Council for Researches) and CISI (Italian Consortium for Small Enterprises), £3.000
Professional Appointments
2020 Panel Organizer: AI and informational pollution: ethical, legal, social and communication perspectives, IAGOVES 2020 – Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, September 25;
Panel Organizer: Virality, Proximity, Infection, Contagion: socialization and ethics of care in the digital age, IGF Internet Governance Forum Italia, Rome Chamber of Commerce, October 7.
Ad hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Public Leadership (Emerald)
2019 Co-Chair, ICIL 2019, 9th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics, Pontifical University of St. Anselm, Rome and University of Rome, Tor Vergata, 11-13 July. Webpage: http://icil.uniroma2.it/
2017 Honorary Editor-in-Chief, International Seminar on Social Science and Humanities Research (SSHR 2017), December 2-3, Bangkok, Thailand.
Member of the Scientific Committee, International Symposium “Internet and Modern Society” IS-IMS2017, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 21-24 June.
2016-2017 Member of the Scientific Committee, Conference New Media: Interactions and Transactions, Doukkali University, Morocco. 23-24 November 2017
2014 Member of the Technical Program Committee, ICDS 2014 The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society, March 23-27, Barcelona, Spain
Member of the Programme Committee, The International Conferences on Socio-Cultural, Anthropology, Criminology and International Relations (SACIR), Jakarta, 27-28 September.
Reviewer 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
2013 Member of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Law (SIFD)
Main Organiser 12th International Studying Leadership Conference – Sustainable Leadership for Socially Responsible Organizations., Rome; December 14th-16th.
2012-13 Member of the CEPE 2013 Scientific Committee, Autónoma University of Lisbon in July 1st-3rd.
2012-to date Consultant on Leadership Development, Participaction Consulting Inc. Alexandria, VA.
2012 Scientific Committee Member, Universitatea Apollonia din Iaşi School of Advanced Studies – Conference on “Cultural Studies. Cultural Diversity”, Iaşi, Romania 9-10 November.
2011- to date Member of the Iadis MCCSIS Programme Committees.
2011 Member of the Ethicomp 2011 Programme Committee, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University 14-16 September.
2011 – to date Reviewer for the ILA Annual Conferences
2010 Co-coordinator of the Caucus on Leadership and creativity, XI Workshop of the Group of the Italian Scholars in Organizational Studies, University of Bologna – School of Economics and Alma Graduate School, June 17-18, 2010
2010 Whiceb 2010 Conference Track Chair (Wuhan, China, May 29-30)
2009 ILA Leadership Education International Team leader
2009 Member of the election board, INSEIT
2009 – 2010 EURAM 2010 Conference Track 47 Co-chair (Philosophical thorns in the side of Leadership Studies), 19-22 May 2010 Tor Vergata University Rome, Italy.
2009 – 2010 Member of the Ethicomp 2010 Programme Committee, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
2009 Co-Chair of the track 4 (E-justice and Ethics in Information Systems), Costa Smeralda, 2-3 October 2009.
2008 – 2009 Member of the CEPE 2009 Programme Committee, Ionian University of Corfu (Greece) 26-28 June 2009.
2008 Co-chair of the track 7. Il Ruolo degli Studi sulla Leadership nell’Organizzazione Aziendale (The Role of Leadership Studies in Organisation Studies), X Workshop of Organisation Sciences, Cagliari (Italy) 29-30 April 2009.
2008 Chair track on legal and ethical issues of IS, ItAIS chapter of the AIS Conference, Paris, 13-14 December 2008.
2008 Member of the LUISS Guido Carli Report group on “Generating the Leading Class”, funded by the Association Management Club (formed by Fondirigenti, Federmanager, Confindustria and LUISS Guido Carli University) and coordinator of the “Leading Class Lexicon”.
2009 Reviewer for Culture and Organization and Business Ethics: A European Review.
2008-2009 Chair-elected MIG Leadership Education, International Leadership Association (ILA)
2008 Member of the Ethicomp 2008 Program Committee, University of Pavia at Mantua, Italy.
2008 -2009 Member, ItAis Italian Association for Information Systems
2007 ILA Annual Conference Panel Organiser
2006- Referee for Oxford University Press
2006 – Reviewer for the Welcome Trust
2006 – Member of CEPE2007 Program Committee, Seventh International Computer Ethics Conference July 12-14 2007 University of San Diego, USA
2005 – 2006 Associate Editor, Reason and Science.
2005 – 2013 Member, ILA International Leadership Association
2005 – 2006 Member of Undergraduate Teaching Committee, School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter.
2005 – Referee for the Journal Management Learning
2005 – Referee for the Journal Genomics, Society and Politics
2005 – Referee for the Journal Business Ethics: A European Review
2005 – Referee for the IPSI Internet Journal
2004 – External reviewer for the IPSI 2005 – Hawaii Conference
2004 – 2005 Member of the International Conference CEPE2005 Programme Committee and referee, University of Twente, July 17-19, 2005
2004 – Co-organiser of the 3rd Studying Leadership Workshop and Chairperson, Exeter, December 2004
2004 – 2005 Member of the ACM-SIGCAS
2003 Convenor, SOBE Ethics Group on Ethics
2003 Referee for the 2003 British Academy of Management Annual Conference, hold at the Leeds Metropolitan University, 15-17 September
2003 – 2006 Ethics Officer, School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter
2003 – to date Member of the Marie Curie Fellowship Association
2002 – 2003 Member of the International Conference CEPE 2003 Program Committee, and chairperson; Boston College, Boston, Mass.
2002 – to date Member of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE)
2002 Chairperson, Ethicomp Conference hold at the Universidade Luisada of Lisbon (Portugal)
2001 – Referee for the journal Bioethics
2001 – 2003 Member of the International Advisory Board for Computer Ethics, Lanza Foundation, Padua (Ita)
2001 Co-chair CEPE2001 International Conference on Computer Ethics: Philosophical enquiries (main theme: IT and the Body), Lancaster University 14-16 December
2001 – 2007 Full Member of the Ethics Committee of the Italian Department of Defence
2000 – to date Founder member of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)
2000 – Referee for the Journal Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, LUISS University Press
1999 Co-organiser Ethicomp99 IV International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies, Luiss University, Rome
1998 Member of the Scientific Committee AIIM 98 National Congress of the Italian Association of Health Informatics (AIIM), Taranto
1998 – to date Overseas Associate of the British Society of Ethical Theory (BSET)
1997 – 2000 Coordinator, working group on Health Informatics and Bioethics, Italian Association of Health Informatics (AIIM)
1994 – to date Member of the Italian Society of Analytical Philosophy
1994 Organisation of the Panel on Mediaethics for a series of workshops organised jointly by the Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione (FTI) and the Italian National Council for Economy and Labour (Cnel).
Invited speeches
2020 Webinar series for Consob – Italian Companies and Exchange Commission, on “What is leadership”, Rome, 28 April.
2019 Conference on “Populisms: law, politics and communication”, IUSLIT, University of Trieste, Trieste, 20 November.
2015 Conference on “Love, Listening and Harbouring: Feminine resources in each of us”, Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication Sciences, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 8 May.
2014 Invited speaker Seminar Series “Presi nella Rete – Etica e politica nell’era digitale” (Catched into the Net – Ethics and Politics in the Digital Era), S. Rocco Cultural Center – Fermo Archdiocese, Italy, 1 March.
2012 Keynote lecture Leadership and Ethics in Cultural Contexts, Universitatea Apollonia din Iaşi School of Advanced Studies – Conference on “Cultural Studies. Cultural Diversity”, Iaşi, Romania, 10 November.
2012 Seminar on Leadership and Philosophy west and east, PhDs course, Renmin University, Beijing, 21 August.
2011 Invited panellist, Cyber and Information Ethics World Summit on the Information Society Forum, UNESCO, Geneve, 18 May.
2010 Towards an Economy Supporting the Human Family. Person, Society, Institutions, VII Int. l Symposium of University Professors, organised by Vicariate of Rome, University Pastoral Care Office, and Pontifical Council “Justitia and Pax”, Pontifical Lateran University, Rome 24-26/June.
2010 Italian Military School La Nunziatella, Naples. Seminar on Military Leadership, 24 February.
2009 City University of London (UK), seminar on Ethics and leadership for the 2nd Master-Summer School on Culture and Leadership Programme, 18 September.
2009 ITTIG-CNR Florence (Italy), seminar on “Intellectual Property, licenses and Genetics: The Open Source challenge during the first phase of the Human Genome Project”, 6 March.
2007 Dept. of Philosophy, Marymount University (Washington, DC), Guest Lecture on “B. Russell and Globalization”, MU Ethics Awareness Week, 9 February.
2006 Centre for Leadership Studies Seminar Series, University of Exeter (UK), “The Race to the Human Genome Project: Lessons for Leadership Studies”, 29 October.
2005 Discussant, Jablin Dissertation Award Winner Presentation: “Locke and the Problem of Crises Leadership”, ILA Conference, Amsterdam 2-6 November.
2005 “European Forum for Early Career Researchers”, Otocec Slovenia, jointly organised by the Marie Curie Fellowship Association and the Slovenian Foundation Ad Futura.
2005 “Ethics and Management”, Module Management in Practice (Module coordinator Martin Wood), MA in Management, University of York.
2002 School of Computing and Management Sciences at the Sheffield Hallam University about “Bertrand Russell on IT and Corporate Social Responsibility”
Other Information
Spoken Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), Spanish (average) and French (average)
Written Languages: Italian (native) and English (excellent)
Reading Languages: Italian (native), English (excellent), Spanish (good), French (good), German (average), Chinese (sufficient).
List of Publications
2020 Antonio Marturano, Faccia, Fefé ed., Roma, forthcoming.
2021 Antonio Marturano, Philosophy of Leadership, London, Routledge, under contract, in preparation.
2012 Antonio Marturano, Il Dilemma di Jorgensen (The Jorgensen’s Dilemma), Rome, Aracne.
Reviewed in:
Aphex, The Italian Portal of Analytical Philosophy, n.7, 5/04/2013
Ref. Recensioni Filosofiche, ISSN 1826-4654, 25/06/2014
2000 Antonio Marturano, Etica dei Media Regolamentare la Società dell’Informazione (Media Ethics. Regulating The Information Society), collana di Epistemologia, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Reviewed in:
Bibliographie de la Philosophie, Paris, XLVII, 1/2000, p. 68
Il Giornale d’Italia, 12/11/2000 (newspaper)
Rinascita, Year III (new series), N. 96, 9/05/2000, p. 6 (newspaper)
“Marturano’s work is dealing with several actual questions and it takes as an important work tool which will very likely produce new developments”.
Edited Collections:
2013 Lois Melina, Gloria Burgess, Lena Falkman and Antonio Marturano (Eds.), The Embodiment of Leadership, Building Leadership Bridges series, Boston, Jossey-Bass.
2010 Antonio Marturano (ed.), Il corpo digitale (Digital Bodies), Torino, Giappichelli.
2009 Carlo Carboni, Valerio Castronovo, Nadio Delai, Massimo Egidi, Antonio Marturano, Raffaele Oriani, and Gian Piero Quaglino, Crescere al Futuro, Leadership e continuità d’impresa in tempi di crisi, Milano, Il Sole24Ore.
2008 Antonio Marturano, and Jonathan Gosling (eds.), Leadership The Key Concepts, London: Routledge.
2012 Antonio Marturano (Editor), Nane Cantatore (Translator); Bertrand Russell, Le prospettive della civiltà industriale, (The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, London: Routledge, 1932), Rome: Luiss University Press.
Special Issues in Journals
2019 Antonio Marturano and Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (eds.): “Technology-driven unemployment: dilemmas for ethics and social welfare”, Ethics and Social Welfare (TandF), Vol. 13 n.1.
2013 Antonio Marturano (Ed.): “Italy and Leadership”, Integral Leadership Review, January.
2012 Antonio Marturano (Ed.), “Ethical and Social dimension of Information System. In Memoriam Alessandro D’Atri”, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Emerald, 10(3), August.
Antonio Marturano, (Ed.), “Leadership and Italy”, Leadership, Sage, 10(3), 8(3) August.
2011 Antonio Marturano (Eds.), “Ethics of Online Social Networks,” International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), December, 2011; ISSN: 1614-1687
2010 Antonio Marturano & Alessandro D’Atri (Eds.), “Ethics, Organizations & Information Systems”, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, Emerald, 8(2).
2009 Antonio Marturano (Ed.), “Bionformatics and Ethics”, Bioethics, 23(7), September.
2005 Antonio Marturano and Jonathan Gosling, “Ethics and Leadership”, Business Ethics: A European Review, Blackwell, 15(3). October 2005.
2002 Lucas Introna and Antonio Marturano (Eds.), Special Issue of Ethics and Information Technology Journal, selection from CEPE 2001 Proceedings, 4(2), June.
2005 Martin Wood, Peter Case, Richard Bolden, Antonio Marturano, Jonathan Gosling, & Others, Leadership Refrains: Encounters, Conversations and Enchantments. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Studying Leadership, University of Exeter, Exeter.
2001 Ruth Chadwick, Lucas Introna & Antonio Marturano (eds.), Proceedings of the CEPE 2001 – IT and the Body Conference, Lancaster, Lancaster University.
1999 A. D’Atri, A. Marturano, S. Rogerson & T. W. Bynum (eds.), Proceedings of Ethicomp 99 – Looking to the Future of the Information Society, CeRSIL, Roma, 1999 (on CD-ROM), ISBN 88-900396-0-4
Peer-review articles
2020 Antonio Marturano, “Virality: notes on a concept crossing disciplines”, Orbis Idearum European Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 8 (1), pp. 29-38. ISSN: 2353–3900.
2019 Antonio Marturano, “”Italy and leadership: psychopathology or culture of a nation?”, International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education, vol 11(2), ISSN: 2035-4630.
2018 Antonio Marturano, “Transactions with a Transforming Heart: E-Leadership, Virtual Enterprises and Social Media”, Notizie di Politeia, XXXIV, 130, 2018. ISSN 1128-2401 pp. 131-140.
2017 Antonio Marturano, “Leadership in medicine: linking soft skills to moral values”, Medicina & Morale, 66(5), pp. 633-642 (DOI: 10.4081/mem.2017.511).
2016 Antonio Marturano, “Leadership: where organization studies meet ethics”, Iranian Journal of Management Studies, vol. 9(4), Autumn 2016, pp. 767-782 (ISSN: 2008-7055).
2013 Antonio Marturano, “Leadership and Ethics in intercultural organisations. The race to the Human Genome”, International Journal of Communication Research, (ISSN: 2246-9265), March.
2012 Antonio Marturano, Editorial, Special Issue on Italian Leadership, Leadership, Sage, 10(3), 8(3), August, pp. 205-210.
Antonio Marturano, “The future of computer ethics 12 years after: in memory of Alessandro D’Atri”; Introduction to the Special Issue on The Social dimension of Information Systems: In memoriam Professor Alessandro D’Atri, Journal of Information, Communication, and Ethics in Society, Emerald, 10(3), August 2012, pp. 124-130.
2011 Antonio Marturano, Introduction to the Special Issue on “Ethics of Online Social Networks,” International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), December; ISSN: 1614-1687
Antonio Marturano, “Human Genome and Open Source: balancing ethics and business”, Law and the Human Genome Review, No. 35 (July-December).
2010 Antonio Marturano & Alessandro D’Atri, Editorial on “Ethics, Organizations & Information Systems”, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society (ICES), vol. 8 no. 2.
Antonio Marturano, Martin Wood & Jonathan Gosling, “Leadership, Propositional Attitudes and Language Games”, Philosophy of Management, Vol. 9 No. 1, winter.
2009 Antonio Marturano & Sergio Bellucci, “A Debordian analysis of Facebook”, SIGCAS Computers and Society, Vol. 39, No. 3, December.
Antonio Marturano, Editorial, on “Bionformatics and Ethics”, Bioethics, Vol. 23, Issue 7, September, pp. ii-iii.
Antonio Marturano, “When Speed Truly Matters, Openness is the Answer”, Bioethics, Vol. 23, Issue 7, September.
2005 Antonio Marturano and Jonathan Gosling, Editorial on “Ethics and Leadership”, Business Ethics: A European Review, Blackwell, Vol 15, Issue 3. October.
2004 Antonio Marturano & Ruth Chadwick, “How the role of computing is driving new genetics’ public policy”, special issue on IT and Genomics for Ethics and Information Technology Journal, edited by Herman Tavani, vol. 6 n.1., March.
2003 Antonio Marturano, “Molecular Biologists as Hackers of Human Data”, Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society (JICES) vol. 1 n.4.
Republished in Tavani, H. (ed.), Ethical Aspects of Computational Genomics, Boston, Jones and Bartlett, 2005, p. 235-245 (1st and 2nd edition).
Republished (Italian translation) in Medicina e Morale, No 4, 2006, pp. 741-757.
2002 Antonio Marturano, “The Role of Metaethics and the future of Computer Ethics”, Ethics and Information Technology, Vol.4 n. 1, March.
Lucas Introna and Antonio Marturano, Editorial, Ethics and Information Technology Journal, selection from Proceedings of CEPE 2001 and editorial, Vol. 4 n. 2, June.
1997 Antonio Marturano, “Una nuova branca dell’etica applicata: la Computer Ethics” (“A new branch of Applied Ethics: Computer Ethics”), Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, III, n°2.
1994 Antonio Marturano, “La idea de Bentham de la logica deontica” (“Bentham’s idea of Deontic Logic”), Télos, IV, n°2 December.
Non peer-reviewed articles:
2019 Antonio Marturano and Jana Vizmuller-Zocco, Introduction to the Special Issue on Technology-driven Unemployment and Social Welfare, Ethics and Social Welfare, 13 (1), pp. 1-17, DOI:10.1080/17496535.2019.1573794
2017 Antonio Marturano, Preface, in Andrea Rega, Tecnologia e scienza nel futuro della politica. Il dibattito tra J.B.S. Haldane e B. Russell, Perugia, Morlacchi U.P., pp. 7-12.
2016 Giovanna Giurlanda, Beatrice Martini, Valentina Zappulla and Antonio Marturano, “Peace Marketing through Social Media: strategies, education and ethics”, in A. Mircea-Nedelea (ed.), Peace Marketing, Bucarest: Editura Universitara. ISBN 978-606-28-0469-5, DOI: 10.5682/9786062804695
2015 Antonio Marturano, Preface, in Irma Immacolata Palazzo, La Cartella Rossa (The Red Folder), Rome: Coralli Publ.
2015 Antonio Marturano, “Words of Encouragement”, Communication Director, 2/2015, June.
2014 Antonio Marturano “A short journey through the unknown life of Leadership Studies”, Editorial to the Special Section on Leadership, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, December.
Antonio Marturano, “Leadership and the Humanities. Un an après”, Editorial, Leadership and the Humanities , Vol. 2 No. 2.
2013 Antonio Marturano, J. Thomas Wren & Michael Harvey, “The making of Leadership and the Humanities”, Editorial, Leadership and the Humanities , Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 1-5,
Antonio Marturano, “On the evolution of information”, Communication Director. Magazine for Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Issue 2.
Antonio Marturano, Editorial, Special Issue on Leadership and Italy, Integral Leadership Review, January.
Antonio Marturano, “A Theory of Everything – Ervin Laszlo and Antonio Marturano”, Integral Leadership Review, January.
Antonio Marturano, “Leadership by and through the body”, in L. Melina, G. Burgess, L. Falkman and A. Marturano (Eds.), The Embodiment of Leadership, Building Leadership Bridges series, Boston, Jossey-Bass.
2005 Antonio Marturano, “Executive education: On being a moral agent – teaching business leaders to think ethically”, in European Business Forum, n. 20, Winter: 68.
– Republished in R. Bolden (ed.), Leadership Development in Context Leadership South West Research Report 3, Leadership South West University of Exeter (UK), 2006, pp. 6-7.
1994 Antonio Marturano, “Tecnologie virtuali e mondo del lavoro” (“Virtual technologies and the workplace”), Lettera Ipacri (Official journal of the Institute for the Automation of the Italian Savings Banks), December.
Essays in edited collections:
2020 Antonio Marturano, “La disoccupazione tecnologica tra ascholia e scholè: spunti per una riflessione etico-politica” (Technological unemployment between Ascholia and Scholè; ethical-political remarks), in Alici L. & Miano F., L’etica nel futuro (Ethics in the future), Collana SIFM, Napoli-Salerno: Orthotes, pp. 361-376
2014 Antonio Marturano, “Internet y comunicación intercultural: aspectos éticos y políticos” (Internet and intercultural communication: ethical and political aspects), in L. German Rodriguez L. & M.A. Perez Alvarez (Eds.), Ética Multicultural y Sociedad en Red (Multicultural ethics and Societies in the Net), Barcelona: Ariel.
2012 A. Marturano, “Bioinformatics and Ethics”, in R. Chadwick (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of applied ethics, Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier.
- Marturano, “Bertrand Russell lettore di Karl Marx: logica, economia, natura” (“B. Russell reader of K. Marx”) in P. Granata and R. Pierri (eds.), Leggere Marx oggi (Reading Marx Today), Cosenza: Rubbettino.
- Marturano, “Introduzione: Tecnologia, economia e organizzazione nella filosofia politica di Bertrand Russell” (“Introduction: Technology, economics and organization in B. Russell political philosophy”) in B. Russell, Le prospettive della civilità industriale, Luiss: Roma.
2011 A. Braccini, A. Marturano & A. D’Atri, “Digital Natives in a Knowledge Economy: will a New Kind of Leadership Emerge?”, in Andrea Carugati and Cecilia Rossignoli (eds), Emerging Themes in Information Systems and Organization Studies, New York: Springer.
2010 A. Marturano, “Introduzione” (Introduction), in A. Marturano (ed.), Il corpo digitale, Torino, Giappichelli, December.
- Marturano, “Ragionamento etico e futuro della computer ethics” (“Ethical Reasoning and the Future of Computer Ethics”), in S. Di Guardo, P. Maggiolini e N. Patrignani (eds.), Etica e responsabilità sociale delle tecnologie dell’informazione (vol.1), Milano, FrancoAngeli.
- Marturano & A. Rossetti, “Etica e politica dei web engines” (“Web Engines: Ethics and Politics), in S. Di Guardo, P. Maggiolini e N. Patrignani (eds.), Etica e responsabilità sociale delle tecnologie dell’informazione (vol.2), Milano, FrancoAngeli.
2009 Antonio Marturano, “La percezione della leadership nei diversi contesti culturali” (“Leadership Perception in different cultural contexts”), in Carlo Carboni, Valerio Castronovo, Nadio Delai, Massimo Egidi, Antonio Marturano, Raffaele Oriani, and Gian Piero Quaglino, Coltivare la crescita, Leadership e continuità d’impresa in tempi di crisi, Milano, Il Sole24Ore.
2008 Antonio Marturano, “Understanding leadership: is it time for a linguistic turn?”, in Ciulla, J., Forsythe, D., Genovese, M. & others (eds.), Leadership at the Crossroads, Vol. 3, Leadership and the Humanities, Ed. Ciulla, J., Westport (NJ): Praeger.
Antonio Marturano, “Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues”, in Tavani, H. and Himma, K., (eds.), The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, Chichester, Wiley & Sons.
– Italian Translation: A. Marturano, “Il concetto di informazione in genetica”, in A. Marturano (ed.), Il corpo digitale, Torino, Giappichelli, December 2010.
Antonio Marturano and Paul Arsenault, “Charisma”, in Marturano, A. and Gosling, J. (eds.), Leadership The Key Concepts, London, Routledge.
2006 Ruth Chadwick and Antonio Marturano, “Computing and the New Genetics: Public Policy Implications”, in Tavani, H. (ed.), Ethical Aspects of Computational Genomics, Boston, Jones and Bartlett.
2004 Antonio Marturano, “Internet measurement”, on K. Kempf-Leonard (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Social Measurement, Academic Press, San Diego, May.
1998 Antonio Marturano, “Valori, educazione e responsabilità della TV” (“Values, Education and TV Responsibility”) on La Tecnologia dell’Informazione in Italia. Rapporto 1998, (edited by) Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione, (FTI), FrancoAngeli, Milan.
1997 Antonio Marturano, “The hyletic and expressive conceptions of norms and the foundation of deontic logic in Alchourrón and Bulygin”, on A.A. Martino (ed.), Logica delle norme, Pisa, SEU (in English).
1995 Antonio Marturano, “Dal diritto dell’informazione alla mediaetica” (“From the right to information access to media ethics”), on La Tecnologia dell’Informazione in Italia. Rapporto 1995, (edited by) Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione (FTI), Pellicani, Rome.
1991 Antonio Marturano, “Le politiche per la ricerca scientifica in italia” (“Policies for the scientific research in Italy”), on La telematica in Italia: Realtà e Strategie (Telematics in Italy: state-of-the-arts and strategies), (edited by) Forum per la Tecnologia dell’Informazione (FTI), Pellicani, Rome.
2005 Antonio Marturano, “Non-Cognitivism”, in Fieser, J. and Dowden, B. (Eds.), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, December; http://www.iep.utm.edu/n/non-cogn.htm. ISSN 2161-0002.
2004 Antonio Marturano, “Bionics: a link between bioethics and computer ethics”, on Ethicomp Online, Vol. 1 No .2, 2004-06-01; http://stoll.ccsr.cse.dmu.ac.uk/journal/home.html. ISSN 1743-3010.
On Magazines:
2011 Antonio Marturano “Dal robot docile al robot armato” (From docile robots to armed robots), Paneacqua n. 191, September.
Antonio Marturano, “Information Highway e Università Private all’Italiana” (Information Highways and Private Universities Italian Styles), Paneacqua n. 189, May.
Conference Papers:
2020 Paolo Bongarzoni, Antonio Marturano, “A new digital approach to strategic management”, in Bednar, P., Nolte, A., Pigni, F., Proceedings of STPIS 2020, Ceur-Ws.org., Forthcoming.
2010 Antonio Marturano, “Leadership and Business Ethics”, Towards an Economy Supporting the Human Family. Person, Society, Institutions, VII Int. l Symposium of University Professors, organised by Vicariate of Rome, University Pastoral Care Office, and Pontifical Council “Justitia and Pax”, Pontifical Lateran University, Rome 24-26 June.
2010 Alessio Maria Braccini, Alessandro D’Atri, Antonio Marturano, “Digital Natives in a Knowledge Economy: will a New Kind of Leadership Emerge?”, Whiceb 2010, Ninth Wuhan International Conference in E-Business, Wuhan (China) May 29-30.
2009 Antonio Marturano, “A Debordian analysis of Facebook”, in Bottis, Grodzinsky, Tavani and Vlamos (eds), Proceedings of CEPE 2009 Ionian University, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki.
2008 Antonio Marturano, “Ethical Problems of Simulators in Strategic Leadership Learning”, Panel discussion on Simulative Learning and Transformative Technologies in Strategic Leadership, 10th ILA Annual Global Conference, November 12-15, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
2007 Antonio Marturano, Chair of the Panel presentation of the book Leadership Studies: The Key Concepts, by A. Marturano and J. Gosling, 9th ILA Annual Global Conference, October 31- November 3, Vancouver , BC, Canada.
Antonio Marturano, “Computer Paradigms and Genetic Information”, in L. Hinman (ed.), Proceedings of CEPE 2007, San Diego University.
2006 Antonio Marturano, “When Speed Truly Matters, Openness is the Answer”, 8th International Conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire November 16-18.
2005 Antonio Marturano, “On the use of Informational Models in Genetics: public policy implications”, Eight Annual Ethics and Technology Conference, Saint Louis University Business School, June 24-25.
2004 Antonio Marturano, “Transformational and Transactional leadership: a Critique”, 3rd Studying Leadership Conference Proceedings, University of Exeter, 15-16 December.
Antonio Marturano, “On the use of Informational Models in Genetics”, XV Internordic Philosophical Symposium, organised by The Nordic Institute for Philosophy (NIFF) in cooperation with the Philosophical Society of Finland, Helsinki, 13-15 May.
2003 Antonio Marturano, J. Gosling and M. Wood, “Towards a propositional analysis of Leadership”, on AA.VV. (eds.), 2nd Studying Leadership Conference Proceedings, Lancaster, Dec.
Antonio Marturano, “Molecular Biologists as Hackers of Human Data: rethinking IPR for bioinformatics research”, in Spinello, R. (ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Ethics and Technology Conference, Boston College, Boston (Mass.).
2002 Antonio Marturano, “From the World Order to the World Government. Bertrand Russell’s Globalisation”, in AAVV (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference ETHICOMP 2002, Luisada University, Lisbon.
2001 Antonio Marturano, “Russell and the Quest for a Computer Ethics”, AAVV (eds.), Proceedings of the Ethicomp 2001, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland.
2000 Antonio Marturano, “Technology and the future of Computer Ethics”; on D. Johnson, J. Moor and H. Tavani (eds.), Proceedings of the CEPE2000, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA.
1999 Nicola Marturano, Antonio Marturano and Roberto Tononi, “Normative aspects and responsibilities into the Virtual Enterprise model”, on A. D’Atri, T.W. Bynum, A. Marturano and S. Rogerson (eds.), Ethicomp’99 – Proceedings, Rome.
Antonio Marturano, “Regulating Cyberspace. From a Kelsenian Point of View”, on A. D’Atri, T.W. Bynum, A. Marturano and S. Rogerson (eds.), Ethicomp’99 – Proceedings, Rome.
1998 Antonio Marturano, “Quali regole per la Società dell’Informazione: il punto di vista dell’etica applicata” (“Which rules for the Information Society: A view from the Applied Ethics”), Proceedings of the Congress “Il Diritto nella Società dell’Informazione”, Institute for Legal Documentation (IDG-CNR), Firenze.
Antonio Marturano, “Questioni etiche nell’uso della Realtà Virtuale in medicina” (“On some ethical problems of using virtual reality in medicine”), on Serio, A., Maceratini, R. et al. (eds.), Proceedings from the VIII National Congress of Medical Informatics, Rome, Istituto di Medicina Sociale Editore.
Antonio Marturano, “Bionics: a link between bioethics and computer ethics”, on J. van den Hoven, S. Rogerson, and T.W. Bynum (eds.), Ethicomp’98 – Proceedings, Rotterdam.
Antonio Marturano, “Critica della ragione genetica: riduzionismo metodologico, informatica e genetica” (“Critique of the Genetic Reason, methodological reductionism, computing and genetics”) on Serio, A., Maceratini, R. et al. (eds.), Proceedings from the X National Congress of Medical Informatics, Rome, Istituto di Medicina Sociale Editore.
1996 Antonio Marturano, “Etica ed informazione medica. Il caso del progetto genorna umano” (“Ethics and medical information. The Human Genome Case”), on Serio, A., Maceratini, R. et al. (eds.), Proceedings from the X National Congress of Medical Informatics, Rome, Istituto di Medicina Sociale Editore.
1994 Antonio Marturano, “Alcuni problemi epistemologici ed etici della Realtà virtuale” (“Some Epistemological and Ethical Problems of Virtual Reality”); Proceedings of the AICA Annual Conference, vol. I, Palermo.
2009 AAVV, Terzo Rapporto LUISS Generare Classe Dirigente (IIIrd LUISS Report on Generating a Leading Class), Rome, LUISS University Press/Il Sole24Ore.
2003 Bolden, R., Gosling, J., Marturano, A. and Dennison, P, A Review Of Leadership Theory And Competency Frameworks For The Development Of The New National Occupational Standards In Management And Leadership, Centre for Leadership Studies, University of Exeter.
2000 A. D’Atri, F. M. Barbini, V. Mauro, A. Marturano, and E. Pauselli, “E-Commerce in Europe. Italy Country Report for the UK Government”; CCSR, Leicester De Montfort University.
Book Reviews:
2018 Antonio Marturano, “Values and Ethics in coaching”, Management Learning, vol. 51(3), pp. 357-359; https://doi.org/10.1177/1350507618789486.
2017 Antonio Marturano, “A review of Superconnected by Mary Chayko”, Management Learning, vol 49(1), pp. 116-117; https://doi.org/10.1177/1350507617693726.
2010 Antonio Marturano, “A Holistic View for Responsible Leaders”. Review of Peter Merry, Evolutionary Leadership, Pacific Grove: Integral Publisher, in Integral Leadership Review, Vol. X, no. 1, January.
1994 Antonio Marturano, “Filosofia e Realtà Virtuale” (Philosophy and Virtual Reality), Iride, n°19, December 1996 Review of M. Heim’s The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, Oxford.