Antonio Russo cv

Antonio Russo
l.:Antonio Russo; r.:Sir Anthony Kenny
International Conference on Human Being, October 2-6 2008, Gorizia Castle

is currently full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the State University of Trieste. He graduated (Lic.) in Theology at  the Pont. Faculty of Theology Gregoriana University (Vatican City: 1982), pursued doctoral and postdoctoral studies in Philosophy at the State University of Rome, and in 1990 became doctor in Theology at the University of Tübingen (supervisors: Prof Walter Kasper and Prof. Dr. Max Seckler). He has been awarded numerous research grants at leading universities in Italy, Vatican City and Germany. He is member of the scientific board of the Foundation Ugo Spirito (since 1989), member of the editorial board of a number of specialized journals and member of the Vereinigung f. die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Baden- Württemberg und Italien e. V. of Stuttgart (Germany). He has organized several international academic conferences and he served (until 2008) as overview co-ordinator the paneuropean research network SophiaEuropa supported by the Templeton Foundation (Philadelphia, USA). He has been the Main Investigator of the National Project PRIN 2009-2012: Intenzionalità e natura (Intentionality and Nature). Since October 2016 he chairs the Italian National Scientific Habilitation Procedure  (ASN 2016-2017-2018) for Moral Philosophy. Since October 2017 he is a member of the Advisory Board of the Pontifical Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselmo (Vatican City). He authored or edited 15 books and published more then 180 essays, publishing on Cornelio Fabro, Ugo Spirito, Hans Küng, Walter Kasper, Maurice Blondel, Karl Barth and focusing on Franz Brentano

Short bio

1974-1977: graduate studies, in Sacramental Theology and Liturgy at “Pontifical
Faculty of Theology Sant’Anselmo (Rome);
1978: PhD in Philosophy at the State University, Rome (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marco M. Olivetti, Manlio Simonetti and Ugo Spirito);
1978-1980: Postdoctorate School in Philosophy (State University of Rome);
1980: B.A. in Theology (Gregorian University, Vatican);
1982: M.A. in Theology (Gregorian University, supervisor Prof. Dr. Angel Anton);
1990: Dr in Theology (supervisor: Prof Walter Kasper, Tübingen; Prof. Dr. Max Seckler);

Grants (selection):
July-August 1977: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beim Heiligen Stuhl, Rome, Summer course of German in Schäbisch Hall (Goethe Institut);
1977- 1982: Pont. Gregorian University, undergratuate grants;
July-August 1978: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beim Heiligen Stuhl, Summer course of German in Staufen (Goethe Institut);
1980 – 1981: Foundation Ugo Spirito (Roma, via Genova 24), research grant;
1982-1984: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, graduate research grant;
1984-1985: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Bonn), graduate research grant;
1985-1986: Diözese Rottenburg- Stuttgart, graduate research grant.

Overview Coordinator of the National Project
PRIN 2009-2012: Intenzionalità e natura (on Intentionality and Nature) Supported by the Italian Gouvernement and by the University of Trieste, of Trento and of Lecce

  1. Member of thea Vereinigung f. die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Baden- Württemberg und Italien e. V. of Stuttgart (Germany).
  2. 2005-2008:
    organized, and served as overview co-ordinator, a paneuropean research network, named SophiaEuropa. A project in conjunction with 15 leading universities in Europe, made possible by the support of the John Templeton Foundation, Philadelphia, USA (see at the link: or/and
  3. Member of the Editorial Board of the peer Reviews

“Studium” (Rome, Italy)
“Annali della Fondazione Ugo Spirito” (Rome, since 11/1989)
“Cilicia Journal of Philosophy” (Turkey)
“Dada. Rivista di antropologia postglobale”(Trieste)
“Edizioni Unicopli” (Milano)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Publisher Studium (Rome)
Member of the Editorial Board of the Publisher Aracne (Rome)

Other professional activities:

1987: organized the International Conference “Il pensiero di Ugo Spirito”, Rome 6- 9 October , with the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana and the Fondazione U. Spirito;

1989-present: member of the scientific board of the Fondazione Ugo Spirito (Rome);
1989-present:member of the editorial board of “Annali della Fondazione U. Spirito”

1995: organized the Interdisciplinary Centenary Conference, “Il cinquantesimo anniversario della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Trieste (1945-1995) e del centenario della nascita di U. Spirito”, with the National Academy of Lincei,Corte Costituzionale, Enciclopedia Treccani, Università di Roma Tor Vergata,Università di Trieste (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economic, Faculty of Politics, ecc.) and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Trieste 27- 29 novembre 1995;

1996: organized, with the Pontifical Gregorian University and with the Centre St. Louis de France, the International Centenary Conference on Henri de Lubac, Rome 9-11 December 1996.

2005: organized, with the University of Tübingen, the University of Oxford, Paderborn, Freiburg im Br., University of Trieste, an International Conference on Unendlichkeit: Philosophische, theologische und mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, 1.-3. Dezember 2005, Tübingen

2006: organized, with the Pontifical Salesian University, with the University of Trento, with the University of Tübingen, with the Gregorian University, the International interdisciplinary
Conference on Social action, Theory of Mind, Philosophy of Action, religious Action. Rome, October 6-8, 2006.

2005-2008: organized, and served as overview co-ordinator, a paneuropean research network,
named SophiaEuropa (see at the link: or/and

This project accomplished at least three major goals. First, created 17 new local societies (Aarhus, Warschau, Trieste, Limerick, Tübingen und Freiburg im Br., Paderborn, Oxford, Lyon, Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Salesian University, Glenstal, Salford, Cassino and Sant’Anselmo, Trento, Louvain, Poitiers) at leading institutions throughout Europe. Second, supported focused interdisciplinary research-oriented collaborations between the members of these societies, thus also creating new alliances between the institutions which host the groups.

2008: organized, with the Xavier Tilliette International Institute,with several academic institutions (Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical Lateran University, Minister of Foreign Affairs, University of Tübingen, University of Oxford, University of Poitiers and the City Council of Gorizia) an International, interdisciplinary Conference on Human Beings: Philosophical, Theological and Scientific Perspectives, October 2-5, 2008 – Gorizia, Italy
(see at the link:

2008: organized an International Xavier Tilliette Institute, hosted in Sant’Anselmo, Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5, Roma, with Jean-Luc Marion, Walter Kasper, Vittorio Mathieu, Miklos Vetö, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Jean-Robert Armogathe, Remi Brague, Jean-François Courtine, Peter Henrici, et alii (see at the link:

2011: December 4-5, 2011: organized an International Conference on Xavier Tilliette, in Florence, with J.L. Vieillard-Baron, P. Henrici, M. Pagano, F.Longato, S. Givone;

2012: May 22-24, 2012: organized in Trieste an international Conference on Franz Brentano in Italy, with M. Sanchez Sorondo, R. Martinelli, F. Polidori, F. Longato, A. Palmisano, C. Benussi, A.Pieretti, R. Poli,W.Kasper, F. Coccoplamerio, A. Livi et alii.

2003-2007: Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy, Trieste (Italy)

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